Friday, 18 July 2008

A random day in Indonesia

The first day of the holidays saw Hannah and I up before the call to prayer- ugly o'clock indeed- ready for our flight to Medan. The day really couldn't have run any smoother. From the airport we were straight into a taxi who dropped us at the bus whose engines were running and ready to go, then we were dropped at the boat which backed away from the dock within minutes and promptly deposited us at Tuk Tuk on Lake Toba. No waiting, no Indonesia time, no delays - wonderful. Admittedly sitting with my knees up to my chin for four hours in the minibus wasn't ideal but we are there.

However, it was a slightly random day. First we were serenaded by the happiest guy in Indonesia who kept announcing how happy he was and then bursting into song. Mainly Celine Dion and other cheesy movie tracks. His smile was infectious and it was a great start to our time in the country. While we were waiting in the minibus we tried our hardest to ignore the hawkers banging on the window to sell their fare - finally the guy managed to shout through the small gap in the window that the rambutans he was holding were a gift for us. Yes we felt a bit guilty....until Hannah realised that they were crawling with ants and now they were crawling all over her in a confined space.

The rain followed us the whole trip and although we thought we had outrun it on the boat it soon caught up with us in Tuk Tuk. We attempted to stretch our legs after our long journey in the gentle rain - but soon it was torrential and we hid in a bar, beer in hand. Unfortunately, the storm led to a power cut which caused some very bad pool playing in the dark. There was nothing else to do but eat, so off to dinner we went. It was delicious, but could only be described as a cross between a spring roll and a cornish pastie. Yum!

Today has been wonderfully relaxing. We've had a gentle wander, a massage, a nap and gazed out over the lake. We're well rested and ready for a bit more adventure tomorrow.

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