Friday, 28 December 2007
Christmas in paradise
Langkawi Life
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Once you have negotiated the snarled up traffic you then need to find somewhere to park. On Tuesday this took 45 minutes. The cars crawled around the airless underground carpark, beeping, revving and cutting each other up. In the middle of a total sense of humour failure I headed towards an exit (who needs christmas presents anyway?) when I spotted a space under some pipes and squeezed the beast in. Admittedly it wasn't an official carparking space but beggars can't valet park.
Our shopping list was brief:
Christmas candy for the kids
Jusco vouchers for our TA's and cleaners
A get well pressie for the poorly Ed
In and out in half an hour? Not a hope.
The book store lady headed off to find the book we were looking for only to disappear into the ether. The CD shop had a great collection of Malay classics but not the album we wanted. A wealthy customer had just purchased the last 10,000 rm of Jusco vouchers. The usually slow malay walk had deteriorated into a slither and I was not finding any of it amusing.
Finally, with rumbling belly, parched mouth and a pounding head we managed to make our escape a mere three hours later. No wonder this place has been dubbed Megahell.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
He's behind you!

Back in Bangers
Last weekend I headed back to Bangkok to see the guys. After a ridiculous time spent being delayed I was finally able to fall into the Bulls Head and play catch up - which I did with suitable style.
It was great to see everybody and I have to admit I feel a little homesick for the old stomping ground. But don't worry I'll be back to see you all again soon. Thanks for having me : )
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Walk like an Egyptian
And another dress up day! Today I was Sharmanraman, high priestess at the Temple of Osiris and the chief embalmer of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Our apprentice embalmers were accorded the great honour of preparing the royal pet of Rameses II, Bubbles the fish, for his journey through the underworld to the afterlife.
It was particularly gruesome and disgusting as my assistant Mr Gaskillkhamun slit poor Bubbles down the side and removed his internal organs so the children could place them in the canopic jars. There was lots of screaming, screeching and hiding behind hands. A few fingers pinching noses too. However, bubbles has been successfully mummified, placed in his sarcophagus and entombed at a secret location (so graverobbers won't find it).
Fabulous day! (yes there is a video!)
Monday, 26 November 2007
I've found my horn!
I am particularly enjoying the frequent, and very satisfying, blasts on my horn. With varying degrees of length it can mean; hey I'm here, get out of my way, yes I am going that way and what the hell do you think you are doing?
I also now just change lane at will without feeling the need to indicate in any way. I push my way into whichever lane I want -Hey afterall I am very big in my beast, and he's old and tough. And of course I change my mind about the direction I wish to take whenever I feel like it.
I know some of you will be shocked, but to be honest, it is a necessary response to the driving conditions here. The road signs are random at best, the roads loop round and round - aided by u-turn after u-turn, and the muppets on the road clearly learnt to drive at the demolition derby. Let's see if I can make it through two years here in one piece!
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Sad Singleton
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Long Live the Queen!
Imagine my surprise then when listening to the radio on my drive to work I heard Shaz and Will, possibly the worst radio djs in the world, taking the piss out of The Queen. I am no royalist but I was shocked to hear Will mimicing Her Royal Highness, alluding to her sex life and marriage to Philip. Perhaps if there had been anything even remotely clever or witty about their skit then I might have found it funny, however, I don't think these two have it in them.
Please don't think I am condoning the restrictions on freedom of speech in Thailand as I am not. I was just astonished how I reacted to a silly bit of bad radio! What has happened to me? Have I been brainwashed?
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Half Term Part Deux
Kuching itself is really laid back and a great place just to wander round. The shopping is fantastic and the restaurants divine. We very much enjoyed the special offer wine and the beers that were sent over by the friendly locals.
Up bright and early the first day we headed to the orangutan rehabilitation centre and we weren't disappointed. We saw four orangutans - two adults, a young one and a gorgeous little baby. There were lots of ooohs and aaaahs and it was fab to watch them swing through the trees.
We also headed out to the beautiful Bako National Park. After a slightly damp boat ride we waded onto the beach to be met immediately by some cheeky Macaques and some rather large wild pigs. Although hot work it was great to walk along the trails and we were very excited to see proboscis monkeys. Not very pretty but there is certainly something very endearing about them.
I'm thinking that a return trip to Sarawak is certainly in order. Let's see what else they have to offer.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
The Crazy World of the Kuching Cat Museum

Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Deepavali Dress Up!
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Terry Fox Run
Bright and early this morning we joined the crowds heading to the Lake Gardens for the Terry Fox run for cancer research. The difficult bit was not the 5 km run, but actually navigating our way to the event. 25 minutes after leaving our apartment I realised that I had been directed in a huge circle and we were going to have to start again - clearly Jane has never seen a road map and the randomness of the road signs here didn't help Taras navigating.
Finally we made it and caught the tail end of the crowds of runners, walkers, roller bladers and cyclists. It was a lovely route and great to see so many people out. The monkeys were a bit bemused though!
Friday, 2 November 2007
Amazing Asia
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Dancing the night away
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Feeling Jolly
Friday, 19 October 2007
Happy Hari Raya
Dee, Ed, Jane, Sam (glorious leader) and me!
I have been told that I looked like 'the help' and walking was a bit of a challenge as I am quite a strider - poor Jane even feel over when she tried to walk to fast in hers. I have attached a photo of the year four team - please excuse the fuzziness (I don't think our cleaner had seen a digital camera before) but I think it does give you and idea of the delightfulness of our outfits.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
In Need of a Spirit House
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Poorly Beast

Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Spoilt Rotten
Monday, 1 October 2007
Langkawi Wowwee!
Headed off to Langkawi for the weekend and am now completely relaxed and chilled out. Pegged it out of work on friday and straight to the airport. Amazingly our Air Asia flight was on time and we made it to the Frangipani resort in time for a swim and a dip in the jacuzzi before having coctails as the sun went down.
As it is the off season it was lovely and quiet. The beach was nearly exclusively ours and I was able to curl up on a lounger with a book and a few cheeky beers. Not only is Langkawi beautiful but it is also duty free - yey cheap beer. We managed to sneak several bottles of booze back to KL. It was hard work trying to make our bags look light and simultaneously muffle the clinking of bottles but coupled with a winning smile we managed to elude customs.
The resort was lovely and I particularly enjoyed my outdoor shower! I will be back to visit again definitely.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Ali and The Beast
Mooncake Festival
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Room With a View
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
6 - Always likely to get work
33 - Alive
8 - prosperous!
Sounds good to me. Bring it on!
Monday, 10 September 2007
Grown up? Moi!
So off I headed with my only requirements being to be able to phone and text and if possible to be pink (I'm going through a pink phase!). Needless to say this didn't actually impress the salesman who wanted to set me up with camera phone, bluetooth, etc etc. No really, I assured him, I just want to phone and text. Sneeringly informed me that there were no pink phones in production at the moment (I stuck with what I know - Nokia - and wasn't about to trail round just to find a pink one).
Displaying the available phones in my price bracket only one caught my eye. Compact and black, with slidy pop up thing I loved the secret agent look of it. I could see myself doing commando rolls and abseiling off the roof of the mall while talking to MI5 on my new toy. The salesman did look amused as explained to me that this was actually the last limited edition TRANSFORMERS phone. I had to have it! Sorry kids, Miss Ali got there first.
Monday, 3 September 2007
A Bad Day
Saturday arvo I moved into my new pad – admittedly a tad hungover from the night before - when I realized that the new place was in need of a damn good clean. That is only to be expected in a new place and I scrubbed for a couple of hours before sampling the local cuisine in my new area. Not so bad.
Sunday, however, was a different matter. I awoke and thought I would enjoy the sunshine streaming through my window and finish my book, after all how better to start a Sunday morning. This was my first fatal error. Despite realizing within the first chapter that my book was going to take me on an emotional rollercoaster I didn’t quite expect the number of tears that flowed by the final page.
However, although sad it was also very uplifting and I set about on my first challenge for the day: assembling my IKEA chest of drawers. I possibly should have realized that this shouldn’t be attempted on my own when the instructions had diagrams of two people doing but being an independent kinda gall I continued regardless. Using my feet and knees as the extra pairs on hands I required whilst balancing on my bum and hammering all at the same time I was actually doing ok. Then I made a mistake and try as I might I just couldn’t pull the bugger apart. The lump in my throat started to rear its head so I changed focus.
Turning the music up as loud as I could I set about cleaning. I always find a strange kind of satisfaction from a good clean and yelling along to some loud drums and rock guitar – but even I wasn’t prepared for this flat. I scrubbed and scrubbed every single tile on the floor and walls of both the bathrooms and the kitchen until they changed colour completely and all my nail varnish had been scraped of my newly manicured fingers. However, despite being at it a fair few hours, instead of looking around and surveying a beautiful flat I only saw more grime. No I will not cry.
Instead I will have a closer inspection of what needs doing. It was at this point that I realized that the sink was broken and leaking on the floor, one toilet seat was bust, the other didn’t quite flush, the aircon was being temperamental and my fridge had a life of its own. What had I done?
OK – back to the chest of drawers. A change is as good as a rest. I pulled and yanked and pushed and grabbed but still it would not budge. I used hammer, screwdriver, wrench and pliers. But to no avail. The only thing I managed to do was drop planks on my toe and pop something in my back.
Only one thing was going to salvage this day. A nice cold beer.
Upon opening the fridge I remembered putting the beers in the freezer the previous day as I had only just turned the fridge on. Cautiously opening the freezer door I gently took the bottle out – whereupon it promptly exploded all over me. That was the beer that broke this camels back. What came out of my mouth shall never again be repeated and as for the water that came out of my eyes
There was much cheering, singing and flag waving (I’m very proud of my new Malaysia flag!) but the prize for enthusiasm has to go to the very entertaining ladies infront of us who not only sang heartily, heckled loudest and laughed longest, but had also made their own outfits out of the Malaysian Flag.
We had marching bands, dancers, flag twirlers, firemen, jungle ops, ex-ministers in old fashioned cars, floats and not so scantily clad women (it is Malaysia after all). Strangely there also seemed to be a group of Flash Gordon wannabees and an invasion of astronauts. However, the show was stolen by the airforce and their wonderful aerobatics accompanied by the appropriate Oooohs and aahhhhs.
Happy Independence Day Malaysia!